Saturday, March 28, 2020

The Variety of Jobs Tutoring in Mathematics Offers

The Variety of Jobs Tutoring in Mathematics OffersTutoring in Mathematics is a nice option for those who want to get involved in a profession that doesn't require a college degree, yet provides many rewards. Unlike education, which tends to be more rigid and rarely flexible, tutoring in mathematics can offer an enormous variety of job options for students of all ages.Since there are many schools that offer tutoring in mathematics, you have many options to choose from. Many of these schools specialize in specific areas of mathematics, such as algebra, geometry, number theory, or statistics. While some also offer advanced courses such as algebraic number theory and calculus, a majority of tutoring in mathematics schools offer courses that are relatively easy to grasp.If you are considering getting a math education, it is also important to note that math tutors are often required to have at least a bachelor's degree in mathematics in order to work in an institution. You can therefore ma ke sure that your chosen math tutoring program offers a curriculum that is appropriate for students with a lesser amount of formal training.It is important to note that you don't need a diploma in mathematics to be eligible for tutoring in mathematics. The level of a student's mathematical background should not play a major role in deciding which tutoring program he or she should opt for. Instead, the specialization of a tutor should be decided by the kind of math they teach.If you want to take a course in elementary mathematics, you may want to consider a program that offers a larger variety of programs. Some schools even offer classes in advanced mathematics, which can be very helpful for those who are interested in working in the financial industry. If you are looking for more specialized classes, a school that offers courses in algebra, geometry, and differential equations can help you in attaining that goal.If you are interested in an institution that provides instruction in mo re advanced math topics, such as algebraic number theory and calculus, you may want to consider taking a program that offers a few more specializations than your usual school. However, if you are interested in pursuing an occupation in which math is required, such as engineering, you may want to look for a math teaching program that focuses on a single mathematical field.You may also want to consider searching online for the right math tutor. If you have time, it is recommended that you spend some time browsing through online forums for tutoring in mathematics. This will help you decide which tutoring programs to consider for your degree.

Friday, March 6, 2020

8 Summer Jobs for College Students

8 Summer Jobs for College Students 3. Retail jobs Dont let the complaining of all your friends keep you from trying it for yourself. Take the dive and fill out an application at the local mall. Do you have a store where youre  constantly shopping?  You should probably look into getting a job there since they are probably going to make you wear their clothes anyway. Youre halfway there. 4. Office jobs According to Business Insider, becoming a temporary office manager can get you anywhere from $12-$24 per hour. Pretty nice gig, huh? And my guess is that you need to know how to file some papers and answer a phone. When you find a plethora of these jobs, let me know I think I might need one. 5. Serving jobs I dont have experience waiting tables, but its never too late to start! Depending on the fanciness of the restaurant where you get a job, you could potentially bring in some pretty good tips. The longer you do it, the better you get at it, and the better tips youll get. Find one of those hometown dives and youll start getting regulars. 6. Customer service jobs Call centers, Verizon literally, any company that hires people to sit around and answer phones and  make  calls. If thats your jam, snag a job thats doing just that. If youre into sales, get a telemarketer job. I hear those are quite lucrative. And while youre at it, take my number off the list! 7. Ive been on for a few years now, and I cant even tell you how many jobs Ive gotten from simply sitting around and clicking apply now. Whether you want to take care of kids, run errands for people, clean houses, or pet sit, has the resources youll need to find exactly what youre looking for. Its easy to make a profile and totally free! Employers can do background checks on you in seconds and even check your driving record. Its so convenient for both parties. Seriously, go do it right now. Youll be able to find steady work for the summer or just some quick jobs here and there. Whatever you need, has it! 8. Internships Its not going to hurt you, is it? You could benefit from getting an internship (hopefully one thats paid) and itll entertain you for the entire summer! You will have something to do every day and learn about something you have a  passion for. Its the perfect compromise to being on summer break. A quick search on Google for internships near you should bring up a good amount of options (or check out Uloops listings  here!). Need some help?  Here  are 50 internships suggested by

How To Get Over A Fear Of Speaking Up In Your First Grad School Class

How To Get Over A Fear Of Speaking Up In Your First Grad School Class Read up. A great way to allay your fears about speaking up in grad school is making sure you are prepared to speak up! Especially while you are making first impressions, you want to do so positively and in a good light. Part of the fear of speaking up is accidentally saying something ignorant or wrong and appearing gauche. Avoid this by doing all your reading and homework (which you should be doing anyways) and making sure that you really do know this stuff. Prepare yourself before new lessons, especially on material that you are unfamiliar with. Give yourself a head start! You do not need to know everything yet as you are not an expert (that is what you are in grad school to become). Just take the time to really familiarize yourself with the material you will be discussing so that you come across as confident, poised and knowledgeable. Create talking points. Another reason speaking up in your grad school class can feel scary is because you can feel put on the spot and you end up scrambling for an answer that is both correct and urbane. It can be hard to sound intelligent on the fly! Help yourself out by creating a list of talking points that you can use to help guide your responses. As you are doing your readings or studying, jot down important notes and questions that you have. You have the syllabus, so you will have an idea of what will be discussed and what the focus of the class will be. Use this information! Write it out and avoid scrambling at the last minute and grasping at straws for important information. It will make you more confident, and writing it down or typing it out can also help you to remember these important points better as well. Breathe. Sometimes you know all the right things to say. You have the knowledge; you have the facts; all you need to do is speak up. But that can often be the hardest part. When you open up your mouth to speak, your voice escapes you and it feels like all the air has leaked out of you and no words can come out. Inflate yourself! Regulate your breathing and make sure that you actually are breathing! If you feel a twinge of anxiety, take a deep breath. The professor poses a question, take a deep breath. You have a response, take a deep breath. Fill your lungs so that you can have a voice. And then say it. After all, you know it. Breathe and then say it! Picture your classmates … naked? Look, when you start grad school you are all really beginning on an even playing field. You come from all different walks of life; there is the older adult student coming back to school in a bid to change careers or pursue their true passion; there is the perky, overachiever fresh out of their undergrad days; there is the laid-back student who took a couple years off of school between their undergraduate and graduate studies to get a feel for life and what they want to do. No path is perfect and no path is better than another. You are all there because you need, nay want, to gain more knowledge in this area because you are lacking in it for now. But remember, that is just for now. You can overcome this! But to do so you need to participate in your classes by speaking up. So if you are having trouble finding your voice, remember that you are all equal and you can take it one step further by putting yourselves on an equal level, or rather, a naked level. Imagine your classmates naked if it helps you to feel more confident speaking. You are all unique but you are all equal. Learn more about Kaplan’s test prep options and start building the confidence you need for Test Day.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Emotional IQ vs. Intellectual IQ by TutorNerds

Emotional IQ vs. Intellectual IQ by TutorNerds Emotional IQ vs. Intellectual IQ: How do they compare? Emotional IQ is the ability to handle complex, difficult and sometimes very sad situations. It is also the ability to navigate intricate social situations. Some children simply have a knack for socializing and are farther along than their peers (want your student to grow more confident and develop social skills? Try one of our in-home Orange County tutors). However, at the end of the day, emotional IQ comes with experience and time. A 35-year-old with a 110 IQ will almost always have a significantly higher emotional IQ than a 15-year-old with a 140 IQ. Some things just come with time. Intellectual IQ is the potential a person has, at any age, to achieve academically and to understand higher levels of thinking. Gifted children (READ: GATE Testing) can find themselves in really tough situations if their adult counterparts expect them to have an adult emotional IQ. A 5-year-old has had 5 years of life experience, not 10 or 20 or 55. Even if their intellectual IQ is 130+ (the “gifted” cutoff), they still need time to grow and learn about emotional situations. Let’s look at some real life examples. Emotional IQ vs Intellectual IQ: Example One A second grader has an intellectual IQ of 135 but the emotional IQ of a seven-year-old. Her reading level is three grade levels above that of her peers and she easily gets bored with second grade books (Have you considered an Irvine private tutor for your childs reading abilities? Check out: Reading Tutoring). It would be easy to give the child a fifth grade reading level book, but this could potentially be a big mistake. Its really important for teachers and parents to look at the content of the higher level books and think about whether or not the student is emotionally ready to handle the content. How would a second grader, no matter what their IQ, respond to learning about the Holocaust for the first time from a book? How would they respond to reading about the West Nile Virus in the newspaper? Content and skill are two very different things. Its important to challenge a gifted learner intellectually while maintaining socially and emotionally appropriate content. Check out what these parents had to say about these books: Emotional IQ vs Intellectual IQ: Example Two A sixth grader, who happens to be gifted at math and has a 145 overall intellectual IQ, is struggling socially. Because he has a high IQ, he is expected to understand social situations that juniors and seniors in high school can handle. Just because he is a math whiz, doesn’t mean that he is able to have a relevant conversation with students five or six years his senior. Perhaps when they are 30 and 35-years-old respectively, the social situation will be quite different but a sixth grader will still needs to socialize with sixth graders, even if they are in different classes. I recommend that parents arrange time outside of school for their gifted child to spend with children their own age and have plenty of opportunity to just relax and have fun being 11-years-old. Emotional IQ vs Intellectual IQ: Example Three A gifted child is asked to handle the academic workload of an adult. Many advanced and gifted learners are asked to not only take on the skill level of much older children or adults, but also adhere to the time table of an adult. Most of us sit down and concentrate at a desk for 8 or more hours a day and we have learned to cope with it. As adults, we know when to take breaks, when to get up and walk around and when to simply power through it. Children, no matter how smart they are, are not accustomed to sitting down for more than six hours in a 24 hour period. The beauty of childhood is to spend time outside, spend time with friends, and use the imagination. Adulthood will come all too soon enough and it is important that gifted children get time to simply be children. They need to laugh, play and have fun like all children. Bottom Line Its essential to assess emotional IQ along side with intellectual IQ. The bottom line is that each child will have a potentially vast difference in their intellectual abilities. Some will be musicians, some will be engineers, and others will be artists or dancers. But a six-year-old is a six-year-old and emotional IQ generally doesn’t vary by more than a year or two if the child is under 18. All blog entries are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us post about. Orange County parents and students, listen up! Beat the summer slowdown with a private, in-home tutor. We work around your schedule so you can stay sharp while having fun in the sun. Read: 10 Reasons You Need a Summer Tutor. What are you waiting for? Call us.

I met my italki Tutor in Korea!

I met my italki Tutor in Korea! Raven (and family) and Tutor Jee meeting up in Korea When you create a community that spans the world, you’ll end up hearing lots of stories. What starts with strangers learning from each other, can ultimately lead to many unexpected experiences. We recently received an email from Aadel, a mother who homeschools her children and is currently based in Korea.  She writes a popular homeschooling blog called These Temporary Tents.  Her daughter Raven actually learns Korean on italki.  Aadel actually wrote about her and her daughters experiences learning Korean on italki on her blog.  If you havent read it yet, you can read it  here. She sent the following email to us: It was awesome to get to meet Raven and Is italki tutor, Miss Jee Young, in person!  We met in Itaewon (Seoul, South Korea) and had dinner and coffee afterwards. She even sent us a photo ?? I met my italki Tutor in Korea! Raven (and family) and Tutor Jee meeting up in Korea When you create a community that spans the world, you’ll end up hearing lots of stories. What starts with strangers learning from each other, can ultimately lead to many unexpected experiences. We recently received an email from Aadel, a mother who homeschools her children and is currently based in Korea.  She writes a popular homeschooling blog called These Temporary Tents.  Her daughter Raven actually learns Korean on italki.  Aadel actually wrote about her and her daughters experiences learning Korean on italki on her blog.  If you havent read it yet, you can read it  here. She sent the following email to us: It was awesome to get to meet Raven and Is italki tutor, Miss Jee Young, in person!  We met in Itaewon (Seoul, South Korea) and had dinner and coffee afterwards. She even sent us a photo ??

I Hate the Organic Chemistry Tutor - Reddit

I Hate the Organic Chemistry Tutor - RedditThe I Hate the Organic Chemistry Tutor is a website that has become popular over the last few years. It has been likened to the classic Beauty and the Beast when it comes to old and new-age witch hunting. This is no surprise in this day and age of the internet.When I was going through my class work and reading up on all the great history and the great people that have shaped the world we live in, I noticed something interesting about a teacher that I'd once considered one of the most intelligent and well-educated individuals. He was only up to English reading level. Now this was interesting to me as he would sit and write down the answer for my homework on his computer, rather than spend time with me in a typical conversation about important issues like the election or the Civil War.The question came to me as to why the organic chemistry tutor had this tendency to do this. The question was answered to me, because I now know that this is the way that many people like this instructor who has embraced a mindset of seeking out information. They won't sit with you in a traditional classroom setting and talk about things that are important to you, but they will seek out all the information that they can on the internet. They will not come to your home and share with you about life's greatest experiences.They would rather seek out information, be it online or on the college campus, the organic chemistry tutor, his story to me makes me wonder about the lack of education among a large part of the current population of the United States. There are so many different areas that are lacking from the regular school's curriculum that this organic chemistry tutor would just as soon take his work to the computer and have his home office filled with info, rather than engage in the honest dialog and interaction that he would like to have with you as a fellow human being.It's interesting how these teacher's mind set and the organic chemis try tutor, with their question about the evolution of Earth and his curiosity about it, have been called out as 'extremists' by the organic chemistry tutor and his students, because it has not been their in depth discussions, but instead it has been the internet that they have used to inform themselves about these topics. Their actions, or lack thereof, show that they do not think much of you as a fellow human being.The organic chemistry tutor, or I Hate the Organic Chemistry Tutor, also happens to be one of the leaders of the independent school movement. This means that he is trying to create programs that are more interactive, have a 'Big Picture' approach rather than a 'Blow by Blow' approach.It is interesting to me that we've created these ideologies of groups that work, whether in the private or public sector, these two ideologies have come together to form what we call the organic chemistry tutor. It is all about the question as to why he has taken up residence in the teacher' s chair and whether he thinks that he should keep his job. What are your thoughts on this issue?

Acphs Tutoring - Success For Students With ADHD

Acphs Tutoring - Success For Students With ADHDAcademics everywhere are as excited about ACPHs Tutoring Services. The reason is that the 'inferior' students are the most sought after group of clients for tutors. Students in junior and senior high schools have trouble learning to read and write, and often find it a challenge to manage their time. These students may also find it difficult to do well in regular classes and can be anxious about how to perform at school.What is more, there are many aspects of learning that students with ADHD also have trouble with, including: organizing themselves, having patience and motivation, memorizing material, and being able to focus on something at once. Plus, the disorder can cause chaos for parents who often have to be around their children, distracting them with tugs and swings. ACPHs provides tutoring services to many schools that are less likely to accept their students, and so ACPHs is a godsend.ACPHs tutes includes a range of services that include personalized attention therapy, academic tutoring, course review, teacher communication and planning, computer use and online collaboration, individualized assessment, online discussion boards, and home study. What makes ACPHs so unique is that the staff has already undergone training specifically on teaching students with ADHD, and the methods they use are backed by professional accreditation. This means that the students can count on receiving a healthy dose of mental stimulation while attending school.It helps if you know which group of students you are trying to cater to when you provide tutoring services. Most students with ADHD struggle with both academic problems and social struggles, and may want to be helped with both. Some may want extra help managing their time, and other may need help managing their homework and schoolwork.You might be surprised how much your students have in common. They all have very similar coping mechanisms and find it hard to learn and follo w directions without help. If you have a student with ADHD who needs assistance in learning to perform basic tasks at school, then ACPHs offers a wide variety of services that will help you create an environment that can help them succeed.ACPHs offers a number of different options for tutoring your student. You can choose the type of tutor you want for each student or focus on a few students in your class. Many of these services will come with one-on-one sessions where you can talk with the tutor about the problems the student is having, and how you can help them cope with the disorder.There are other advantages to ACPHs that make it a great choice for people who are not quite sure what they can do to help students with ADHD. In some cases, ACPHs will even help you pay for a certain portion of your school fees, helping you pay for tutoring or even for an accredited private tutor.